I shall rule the world. This is what my regime will entail.

Monthly Archives: November 2012

I have a confession to make: I have a problem with shoes. No, not that problem – actually the reverse. I admire shoes with 4 inch heels…as works of art not as practical footwear. You see I’m of the apparently quaint belief that shoes are there to be worn as footwear not as a means of inflicting crippling pain on myself because I’m a woman and therefore socially obliged to hate my body. So there shall be sensible footwear that’s actually stylish. Really what is so wrong with having shoes that actually have some tread?? Or to put it another way IT’S WINTER WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK I WANT TO BE WEARING BALLET PUMPS?? WHAT DO YOU THINK I WALK ON AIR OR SOMETHING?? Or even have servants carrying me on a divan while I’m wrapped up in a duvet? (All in good time). Please can I have some shoes that mean that I don’t slip when navigating wet leaves on the pavement or icy footpaths – IS THAT REALLY SO MUCH TO ASK?? I just don’t think it likely that a Prince Charming will come to my rescue in the (highly probable) event that I do fall over and incapacitate myself. And even if he does happen to be passing he’s probably more likely to fall over himself laughing at me. Besides I’m not sure that hanging round A & E is a good way to get to know people. I could be wrong…(but trust me, I’m not)

So lately I have been corresponding with someone who categorically refuses to capitalise her forename in emails. I’m not sure whether this is sheer carelessness or if she actually has an aversion to a capital J. Anyway this has made me so irrationally cross that I have decided to outlaw people who do not capitalise their names! I mean, who do you think you are, bell hooks? I’m sorry to have to be the one who breaks this to you but YOU ARE JUST NOT THAT COOL. I get that bell hooks is doing it for a reason – that’s fine – but your text isn’t that interesting given that you are a lawyer and a property lawyer at that. In an age of autocorrect, this is nigh on unforgiveable. ALL IT REQUIRES IS FOR YOU TO PRESS THE SPACE BAR, IS THAT REALLY SO HARD?? But maybe you are trying to say that you are sooo busy you don’t have time to press the space bar? Which, let me tell you, is perhaps the single lamest way of telling people that you are busy as I think I’m the only one who’s noticed so far. Although I could be wrong. There may be many other people blogging about this very issue.

To be honest, I am just incapable of respecting someone who has no respect for proper nouns. What next? No respect for full stops? I don’t want emails that read like James Joyce novels. If I wanted to read that, I would read a James Joyce novel. Indeed it’s one of the reasons I don’t read James Joyce – and the fact that I have my own stream of consciousness to contend with, thank you very much. No. Such people will be required to justify their lack of respect for grammar at a tribunal. Grammar lessons shall be enforced and vengeance will be mine.

There shall be no mopeds. If you really have to ask me to explain my logic behind this one, then I fear that we are not going to get on. Mopeds rank as the single most irritating sound my ears encounter on a weekly, occasionally daily, basis. Yes, the sound of a child crying is distressing but there’s a difference, they can’t necessarily help it. People who ride mopeds can. In fact, I would go so far as to say they are doing it ON PURPOSE. It’s not like there aren’t any other forms of transportation available. Trust me, there are and there has been for quite some time  – even in the wilds of northern England. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RIDE SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS LIKE AN UNHOLY CROSS-BREEDING BETWEEN A HEDGE-CUTTER AND A MACHINE GUN. It’s frankly offensive. And let’s face it mopeds are just not cool. They never have been and – let me stake my present and future reputation on the fact – they never will be. Were they boosting mopeds in Gone in 60 Seconds? No. Mopeds are just not sexy.

So do me a favour and leave the moped at home – or better yet sell it for scrap as it clearly sounds like it’s going to break down. If it means that I have to amend the bus routes so that they pass nearer your house and you can take the bus instead then so be it.

A guest post by MrsB:

When I am in charge of the universe (and one day, I most definitely will be), do you know what I’m going to ban first? Of course, you don’t, so let me tell you. Fucking Yummy Mummies. As it is, they tend to refer to themselves just as “yummy mummies” without all the fucking and what not. The fact that I can bring myself to use such appalling language is testament to the fact that I am not a yummy mummy. My slightly off-centre dress sense, lack of make-up and hair-that-could-really-do-with-a-brush-running-through-it-at-some-point-this-century only serve to drive the point home. I haven’t read Fifty shades of Shite, I do not model myself on a Stepford Wife and I couldn’t give a flying fuck what the latest must-have fashion accessory is. I would rather impale myself on a sharp knitting needle than have a stranger waxing my areas and if I were to arse around having a manicure it would last a grand total of five minutes. Tops. My child always has the air of having lived about him (by which I mean he is a little grubby looking, rather than resembling a well-turned-out china doll), and you don’t even want to know what state my house is in. I am the very antithesis of yummy mummy-hood, and I’m not bitter about it at all. I just don’t see the need for them to be so fucking perfect and smug about it.

If their general air of perfection weren’t irritating enough, the phrase itself is enough to make me want to throttle them and vomit (not necessarily in that order). “Yummy Mummy”. What does that even mean? Are you a fucking cake? Or a Sunday Roast? Or a cocktail (oh no, wait, a yummy mummy would never be seen drinking anything alcoholic  heaven forbid!) If you are none of these things, and are not, in fact, edible, then you are not fucking “yummy”.
I suspect the phrase does not refer to the edibility of the mother in question, but rather to their physical attractiveness. What the actual fuck is that about? What baby wants to be dependent on a woman who a) thinks she is physically attractive and b) needs to advertise the fact. Oh yes, they do advertise it, on buggies, changing bags and baby outfits. Babies in “I’ve got a yummy mummy” t-shirts. Really? They need to be banned too. And burnt as a reminder to all parents that this is not acceptable. The child is never going to thank them for that photo.
They need to be stopped for the good of mankind. The fact that these mothers dress their children in these outfits means either that they they don’t realise they are using their baby to advertise their physical attractiveness, or (and possibly worse) that they are advertising that their babies think they are yummy. In which case I sincerely hope they mean in a milk-chomping kind of way, because that is the only way your child is ever going to find you “yummy”, which appears to bring me, rather uncomfortably,  to the topic of food. I probably ought to stop now.